miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Machines: Wikipedia

Wikipedia: Machine
Visit the Wikipedia page, read the article and answer:
  1. What is a machine
  2. Which types of energy can a machine use?
  3. Where does the word machine come from?
  4. List the main types of machines
  5. What was the ancient requirement to classify as a machine?
  6. Explain what an "automata" is? 

martes, 28 de enero de 2014


Conect to the link and read the article (They are several pages). Then answer to these questions:
  • Give two examples of electricity in nature
  • Explain where electricity takes place in our bodies
  • Did ancient people know something related to electricity?
  • What did Thales of Miletus experiments consist of'
  • What does Culomb's law state?
  • Explain the relationship between the atomic composition and electricity

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Read the article about graphene and answer these questions:

  • What is graphene?
  • What is graphene composed of?
  • Which is the structure of graphene?
  • What are the main properties of high quality graphene?
  • Which are the main applications of graphene
  • Give a short explanation about the different ways to produce graphene

Wikipedia: Graphene