lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Preparation of timber for Industry

Visit this link and read about the preparation of timber for its commercial use
Preparation of timber
and answer these questions:
  1. List and explain (in few words) the stages of timber proccessing
  2. Which tool is used to cut the logs
  3. List different ways for cutting the logs 
  4. Why is it neccesary to season the wood

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Lesson 2: Graphic expression

Go to the following link
Technical drawing
You will find a presentation about Technical drawing tools / Materials.
Click Start to begin the test:
Type in a message the rigth answer to each question and send me an email with them (Formulario de contacto)

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Technology Depleting Resources and Pollution

Connect to these page and read the content:

Technology Depleting Resources and Pollution

Answer to these questions:
  1. When does most of the environmental impact of technology take place?
  2. What takes more enrgy, creating a computer or using it? Give a reason?
  3. List the amount of resources required to build a single computer
  4. Why does Santa_Clara County have more EPA-identified toxic waste sites, called Superfund sites, than anywhere else in the USA.?
  5. What is Technotrash?
  6. What happens to american Technotrash? Who proccesses it?

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Technologies timeline

Connect to this page in the internet:
Answer these questions:
  • When did they invent the first known calculator?
  • Where did they invent the suspension bridges?
  • Who invented the microscope? When?
  • Vaccunation was a breaktrouh in medicine. When was it invented? Who did it?
  • When was electric motor invented?
  • In which two centuries have more inventions happened?

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014


Connect to this link. Read the article and answer
  • What is electricity?
  • What do we mean when we say that electricity is an energy carrier?
  • Give several examples on how electricity has changed our lifes
Electricity for kids 

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Introduction to electronics

Watch this video and answer

  • Who were the inventors of the transistor?
  • What is the importance of this invention?
  • In Silicon's valley, there is a remarable building. Which is its adress?
  •  Why is this adress important for?
  • Where the iventors of the transistor awarded? How?

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Mechanisms in real life

You have studied 3 general kind of mechanisms (simple, trnsmission and transforming) and several cases of each one (such as lever, pulley, gears). Find one example of these (i.e. of the lever) in the real life and add a comment about what it is used for and where you found it

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

How do we waste energy?

In this exercise you have to add a comment on how we waste energy in our enviroment/neighbourhood and give an idea to correct this situation

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Lesson 4: Machines : Identify mechanisms

Go to the following link: 
Print and complete the exercise, identifying the mechanisms or either write the answers in "Formulario de contacto" and send them (don´t forget your name)

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Machines: Wikipedia

Wikipedia: Machine
Visit the Wikipedia page, read the article and answer:
  1. What is a machine
  2. Which types of energy can a machine use?
  3. Where does the word machine come from?
  4. List the main types of machines
  5. What was the ancient requirement to classify as a machine?
  6. Explain what an "automata" is? 

martes, 28 de enero de 2014


Conect to the link and read the article (They are several pages). Then answer to these questions:
  • Give two examples of electricity in nature
  • Explain where electricity takes place in our bodies
  • Did ancient people know something related to electricity?
  • What did Thales of Miletus experiments consist of'
  • What does Culomb's law state?
  • Explain the relationship between the atomic composition and electricity

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Read the article about graphene and answer these questions:

  • What is graphene?
  • What is graphene composed of?
  • Which is the structure of graphene?
  • What are the main properties of high quality graphene?
  • Which are the main applications of graphene
  • Give a short explanation about the different ways to produce graphene

Wikipedia: Graphene